Meet Our Artists
The Labyrinth Gallery aims to present quality works both by established and by young or not yet famous to the public artists.
Get in touch with Labyrinth Gallery if you’d like to find out about their available pieces.

Anelia Raikova
oil painting
Anelia Raikova is born in Burgas, Bulgaria but for many years she lives and works as a professional Scenographer all over the country, mainly in Sofia. In between theater or cinema projects she escapes in her paintings. They are extremely poetic and tender canvases, gently mixing the abstract painting with craftily painted concrete object, places, words or numbers thus inviting the viewer to a symbolic journey into himself.

Daniela Prokopetz
Abstract Painting
Daniela Prokopetz is a young Austrian artist who currently lives in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. She has studied art in Linz, Bologna and Vienna. Experimenting with aquarelle and color pencils, between the coincidence and the controlled drawing, she creates tender and powerful images.

Elena Kalpakchieva
Elena Kalpakchieva lives and works in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. She has graduated the National Academy of Arts in Sofia with speciality Scenography. Elena shares various interests in styles and techniques, she has experience in different art fields from painter of a dance theatre company, through graphic design, art therapy to gallery owner and keeps on searching...


aqarelle, collage


Erna Angelova
aquarelle and acrylic paintings, drawings and collages
Erna Angelova has won a deserved place in the art scene in Bulgaria and abroad with her vivid colours, magical but yet realistic imagery and joy and lightness in her works.

Georgi Shtarbev
He studied painting at the Accademia di Beli arti - Rome, under Prof. Francesco Delisanti. He works in the field of informal painting. His technology and elevated picture structure make his style recognisable. Materiality is the emphasis in his work - the use of non-standard materials, pastes and pigments. Colour and conventional form are also part of his compositional decisions. Winner of an award for painting of the Plovdiv Painters Syndicate, Participation in National Contemporary Art Competitions of Mtel and Allianz-Bulgaria, Curatorial projects in Bulgaria and Italy. His works are exhibited at the Jugo Wooten Art Center. In 2019, he also showed his works in the Labyrinth gallery in a solo exhibition.

Katia Chausheva
Photogpraphy, Painting,
Katia Chausheva is an extraordinary artist, tempted at first by photography, but recently she made her first and impressive tries in oil painting and drawing. Her works are very sensual, deeply touching and extremely beautiful. They are part of numerous collections and photography catalogs worldwide. Get in touch with Labyrinth Gallery if you’d like to find out about her available pieces.

Mariya Yordanova
Painting, Digital Illustration, Prints
Mariya Yordanova was born in 1978 in Sofia, Bulgaria where she graduated the High School for Applied Arts and then the National Academy of Arts in 2001 with speciality Scenography. She continued her artistic education in Berlin where she works and lives now. She is a professional stage and costume designer working as well as an illustrator. She has created a whole world of Magic Animals and Stories about them with her label Mariyas Garden.

Petya Deneva
Petya Deneva was born in 1981 in Balchik, Bulgaria. In 2006 she graduated the National Academy of Art in Sofia with speciality Painting. At present she lives and works as a freelance artist in Sofia. Since 2010 she has been a member of the Union of Bulgarian Artists. She has had over 10 solo exhibitions so far as well as she has participated in many group artistic projects. Nature, light and the mystic manifestation of the spiritual are major themes in her creative work.

Petya Konstantinova
Ink and aquarelle drawings, acrylic paintings
"Even though I completed my studies in a completely different field, drawing has always been my way to express myself, an extension of my thoughts and my own self. After nearly ten years of working in an office, two ulcers and a haemorrhage fate had put me on a crossroad and made me reconsider if I was on the right path. Now I feel happy with what I’m doing and I’m glad it happened to me! I hope I succeed to embody in my artwork the desire and faith that dreams can come true."
Petya Konstantinova

Rumen Petkov
Painting & Sculpture
Rumen Petkov is an established Bulgarian artist who lives and works in Kazanlak - the heart of the valley of the famous Bulgarian Rose. His works reflect the joy of life, the light and colour of nature. He works mainly with acrylic and oil paints on canvas. Along with the painting he creates very impressive metal sculptures with painted glass.

Stela Stefanova
Painting, Assemblage, Mixed techniques
Stela Stefanova is a self taught artist from Plovdiv, Bulgaria and a member of the Plovdiv Painters Syndicate. She develops her personal style by mixing various materials and creating stories with wood, objects she finds in the streets and acrylic painting.

Svetoslava Georgieva
abstract painting, mixed techniques
Svetoslava Georgieva is born in Varna, Bulgaria, where she had her artistic education in the art school and in the studio of the artist Volodia Valkov. Later, she graduated the Veliko Turnovo University with a speciality Restoration and Conservation which added to her knowledge of art techniques. Her work are emotionally powerful, rich in colour and material. She mixes oil and encaustic painting with raisin, gold and copper, as well as acrylic pastes thus creating an unique style. She takes part in contemporary expositions in Bulgaria and abroad.

Teodora Doncheva - Techwoo
painting, prints, comics
Teodora Doncheva - Techwoo was born in 1981 in Plovdiv where she studied in the Art School "Tsanko Lavrenov" with Graphic profile. In 2008 she completes her Master's degree at the National Academy of Arts in the Scenography department. She has had 5 solo exhibitions so far and she has participated in many group artistic projects. In her work she is mainly interested in the graphic arts and the comics. She likes painting what she sees on the inner side of her eyes.

Trayana Panayotova
Painting, Sculpture, Collage
An original and very talented Bulgarian contemporary artist, Trayana has graduated the Veliko Turnovo University Art Department, speciality Sculpture and later was an Erasmus student in Lisbon University Art Department. Since her graduation she has successfully participated in numerous art projects in Bulgaria and abroad. In 2021 she had her first solo painting exhibition at the Labyrinth Gallery, where she showed her latest aquarelles, acrylic canvases and collages.

The artist in front of her painting

The artist in front of her painting
Vania Stefanova
Painting, Collage
Vanya Stefanova is born and lives in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. She has studied to be a scenographer and along with her work for theatre she works as a graphic designer in her her studio Light On Design and finds time to create her collages inspired by the Sea and the adventures in the Nature.

Zdravka Vasileva
Lonely beaches, views from the window towards the horizon far away, contemplation of antique objects in old times interiors, a woman's figure passing by... - these are but a small part of the themes in the artist's oil canvases. Her paintings bring joy to the senses with the richness of pictorial language - from the tenderness of the linear drawing to the delicately nuanced paint layers that vary in relief, brightness and shine. Her works are objects of interest to many art collectors in Bulgaria and abroad.
Zdravka Vasileva was born in 1977 in Plovdiv where she studied in the high school of art Tzanko Lavrenov. In 2003 she graduated the National Academy of Art in Sofia with speciality Painting. Later she aquires a Ph. D. in Fine Arts and at present she is a Professor in Painting at the National Academy of Arts - Sofia.